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Lil Boulder

Upgrade: 25 Additional Kids Rock Climbing Holds

Upgrade: 25 Additional Kids Rock Climbing Holds

Regular price $110.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $110.00 USD
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Upgrade your kids climbing wall set up with an additional 25 kids rock climbing holds!

Each Lil Boulder kids climbing wall purchase comes with 25 rock climbing and bouldering holds, specifically designed for kids. But if you have a little one and want some more variety, an additional 25 rock climbing holds is a great option!

Our kids rock climbing holds:

  • Made in North America 📍
  • Bolt-on rock climbing holds (compatible with 3/8"-16 t-nuts) 🔩
  • Designed specifically for children 🧒
  • Made of 70% recycled material ♻
  • Look and feel like natural rocks 🧗‍♀️

This upgrade set includes:

  • 25 kids rock climbing holds (perfect for kids ages 3+)
  • 25 Allen Head bolts to attach climbing holds to wall

Not included: 3/8th-16 t-nuts. Our Lil Boulder kids climbing wall comes pre-installed with compatible t-nuts in every hole. If you are purchasing these holds to use with another kids climbing wall, 3/8th-16 t-nuts will need to be purchased separately.

Note: All Lil Boulder orders are made to order. Orders require 4-6 weeks to produce and 7-10 business days to ship. Shipping is always free. For U.S. shipments, Lil Boulder covers any duties and customs charges.

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Everything You Need To Know About Indoor Kids Climbing Holds

What are the benefits of kids climbing holds?

If you're considering adding excitement and adventure to your child's climbing experience, you've come to the right place. Our goal at Lil Boulder is to provide you with everything you need to know about indoor kids climbing holds, from their benefits and types to installation tips and safety considerations. Let's dive in and explore the world of indoor climbing holds together!

Benefits of Indoor Kids Climbing Holds

Indoor kids climbing holds offer a wide range of benefits for children of all ages. Here are some key advantages:

Physical Fitness: Climbing holds provide an engaging way for children to develop their physical fitness. As they grip, reach, and maneuver on the holds, they improve their upper body strength, coordination, and balance. Climbing also promotes cardiovascular endurance and encourages an active lifestyle.

Cognitive Development: Climbing holds stimulate cognitive development by challenging children to plan their moves, strategize their routes, and problem-solve as they navigate the climbing wall. This activity enhances their critical thinking skills, spatial awareness, and decision-making abilities.

Motor Skill Development: Using climbing holds requires precise movements and coordination, which helps children develop their fine motor skills. As they grasp the holds and make controlled movements, they enhance their hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

Types of Indoor Kids Climbing Holds

Indoor kids climbing holds come in various shapes, sizes, and textures to provide a diverse climbing experience. When it comes to kids, especially kids under 5 years old, we recommend focusing on quantity rather than variety. At this age, your kids will benefit from having a lot of medium sized holds that they can easily step on and hold onto.

Our climbing walls come with 25 holds, which is perfect for young kids. For 3-4 year olds, you may want to purchase another 25 holds to design easier routes your kids can feel the thrill of conquering!

For those that are more advanced, here are some common types of climbing holds:

Jugs: Jugs are large, easy-to-grasp holds that resemble a jug handle. They offer a comfortable grip and are ideal for beginners or younger climbers.

Crimps: Crimps are smaller holds with narrow edges. They require more finger strength and precision, making them suitable for intermediate to advanced climbers.

Slopers: Slopers have rounded, sloping surfaces that challenge climbers' grip and body positioning. They enhance upper body strength and balance.

Pinches: Pinches are holds that require squeezing with the thumb and fingers. They improve grip strength and forearm muscles.

Pockets: Pockets are small, concave holds that require climbers to use their fingers to grip inside the pocket. They enhance finger strength and precision.

Installation and Safety Tips

When installing indoor kids climbing holds, safety is of utmost importance. Here are some installation and safety tips to consider:

Mounting Surface: Ensure that your climbing wall surface is suitable for mounting holds. It should be sturdy, properly anchored, and able to support the weight of climbers. Seek professional advice or follow manufacturer guidelines for proper installation techniques.

Hold Placement: Consider the placement of holds to create a variety of climbing routes and challenges. Space them out strategically to cater to different skill levels and provide progression as children improve their climbing abilities.

Unlock the Thrills of Indoor Climbing with Lil Boulder

Are you ready to take your child's climbing adventures to the next level? Order our indoor kids climbing holds at Lil Boulder to create an exciting and challenging climbing wall. With our high-quality and durable holds, you can foster your child's physical development, cognitive skills, and self-confidence in a fun and engaging way.

Choose Lil Boulder for your indoor kids climbing holds and embark on a journey of adventure, growth, and endless fun!

What are kids climbing holds and how are they used?

If you're curious about what kids climbing holds are and how they are used, you've come to the right place. At Lil Boulder, we're passionate about providing you with all the information you need to understand and utilize kids climbing holds to create an exciting and engaging climbing experience for your children. Let's dive in and explore the world of kids climbing holds together!

What Are Kids Climbing Holds?

Kids climbing holds are specially designed grips or holds that are attached to a climbing wall. These holds serve as the foundation for climbers to grip, step on, and maneuver as they ascend the climbing wall. They are made from durable materials, such as resin or plastic, and come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures to offer a diverse climbing experience.

How Are Kids Climbing Holds Used?

Kids climbing holds are used in a multitude of ways to create challenging and enjoyable climbing routes. Here's a closer look at how these holds are utilized:

Grip Points: Climbers use the holds as grip points to support their weight and maintain stability as they climb. The different shapes and textures of the holds offer varying levels of difficulty and require climbers to utilize different gripping techniques.

Foot Placement: Kids climbing holds are not only for hand grips but also serve as foot placement points. Climbers can step on the holds to gain leverage and reach higher holds or move across the climbing wall. The holds with flatter surfaces or textured foot placements provide stability and help develop climbers' footwork.

Route Creation: Kids climbing holds are strategically placed on the climbing wall to create routes of varying difficulty levels. By arranging the holds in different patterns and positions, climbing routes can be tailored to accommodate different skill levels, allowing climbers to progress and improve their climbing abilities over time.

Skill Development: Climbing holds are essential tools for developing climbing skills and techniques. Children can practice hand and finger strength, grip endurance, body positioning, balance, and coordination as they navigate different holds and routes. Using a variety of holds challenges climbers to adapt their movements and develop problem-solving skills.

Safety Considerations

Safety is of utmost importance when using kids climbing holds. Here are some key safety considerations:

Climbing Wall Stability: Ensure that the climbing wall structure is secure, properly anchored, and capable of supporting the weight and movements of climbers. Seek professional advice or follow manufacturer guidelines for installation and maintenance.

Age-Appropriate Climbing: Choose holds and create routes that are suitable for your child's age and climbing abilities. Consider their strength, coordination, and experience level when designing the climbing wall.

Unlock the Adventure with Kids Climbing Holds from Lil Boulder

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling climbing adventure with your child? Explore our kids climbing holds at Lil Boulder and discover the endless possibilities for fun, skill development, and physical fitness. With our high-quality holds and expert guidance, you can create a safe and engaging climbing wall that will ignite your child's imagination and foster their love for climbing.

Choose Lil Boulder for your kids climbing holds and elevate your child's climbing experience to new heights!

Why should I get Lil Boulder kids climbing holds?

We understand that sometimes, you need a little extra to take your kids climbing experience to the next level! If you're wondering why and when you may need extra kids climbing holds, you've come to the right place. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision and enhance your child's climbing adventures. Let's explore the reasons why and the situations when you might benefit from having extra kids climbing holds.

Expanding the Climbing Wall

One common reason for needing extra kids climbing holds is to expand your existing climbing wall. As your child grows and develops their climbing skills, they may need new challenges and routes to keep them engaged. By adding extra holds, you can create more diverse routes and increase the difficulty level of the climbs. This allows your child to continually progress, develop new techniques, and experience a sense of accomplishment as they conquer new routes.

Customizing the Climbing Experience

Every child is unique, and their climbing preferences may vary. Extra kids climbing holds offer the flexibility to customize the climbing wall according to your child's interests and abilities. You can choose holds that cater to their specific strengths and challenge areas, creating a personalized climbing experience that maximizes their enjoyment and skill development. Whether your child prefers larger, easier-to-grip holds or enjoys the challenge of smaller, more advanced holds, having extra options allows you to tailor the climbing wall to their needs.

Accommodating Multiple Climbers

If you have multiple children or frequently host climbing playdates, having extra kids climbing holds becomes even more valuable. With additional holds, you can set up multiple climbing routes simultaneously, allowing each child to have their own climbing challenge. This
promotes healthy competition, encourages teamwork, and creates a social and engaging climbing environment for children to interact and learn from one another. Extra holds ensure that every child has a chance to climb and enjoy the experience together.

We do not recommend having more than 1 child (or adult) on an 8ftx4ft wall at one time. If you would like to have your children climb together, we recommend purchasing two 8ftx4ft walls to create an 8x8ft space.

Refreshing the Climbing Routes

Children thrive on new and exciting challenges. Over time, they may become familiar with the existing climbing routes on the wall. By adding extra kids climbing holds, you can refresh the routes, introduce new movements, and keep the climbing experience dynamic and engaging. Changing the holds periodically maintains your child's interest, encourages problem-solving skills, and sparks creativity as they explore different combinations and sequences of holds.

Progressing with Skill Development

As your child's climbing skills improve, their needs and abilities evolve. Extra kids climbing holds enable you to progress their climbing experience in line with their skill development. You can gradually introduce more challenging holds to encourage the development of strength, technique, and problem-solving abilities. This progression not only keeps your child motivated but also ensures that they continue to grow and refine their climbing skills in a safe and controlled manner.

Expert Recommendations and Support

If you're unsure about the type of extra kids climbing holds you may need or how to integrate them into your existing climbing wall, our knowledgeable team at Lil Boulder is here to help. We can provide expert recommendations based on your child's age, skill level, and climbing goals. Our goal is to ensure that you have the right holds to create an exciting, safe, and rewarding climbing experience for your child.

Unlock New Climbing Possibilities with Lil Boulder

Are you ready to take your kids climbing adventures to the next level? Explore our kids climbing holds at Lil Boulder and discover the endless possibilities for expanding, customizing, and refreshing your climbing wall. With our high-quality holds, expert guidance, and commitment to safety, we provide the tools you need to create a thrilling and enjoyable climbing environment for your child.

Choose Lil Boulder for extra kids climbing holds that inspire, challenge, and accommodate the evolving needs of your young climbers. Let's embark on a journey of endless fun and growth together!

How many extra kids climbing holds should I keep?

If you're wondering how many extra kids climbing holds you should keep, you're in the right place. As experienced climbers and parents ourselves, we understand the importance of having the right number of holds to create a challenging and engaging climbing experience for your child. In this section, we'll provide you with valuable insights to help you determine the ideal quantity of extra kids climbing holds for your climbing wall.

Consider the Size of Your Climbing Wall

The size of your climbing wall is a crucial factor to consider when determining the number of extra kids climbing holds to keep. A larger climbing wall typically requires more holds to create diverse routes and accommodate multiple climbers simultaneously. If you have a smaller wall, a smaller number of extra holds may be sufficient to provide enough variety and challenge.

Assess the Climbing Abilities of Your Child

Take into account the climbing abilities of your child or the children who will be using the wall. Beginners or younger climbers may require fewer holds initially, as they are still developing their climbing skills. As their abilities progress, adding more holds can provide them with new challenges and opportunities for growth. For more experienced climbers, a larger number of holds may be needed to continually challenge them and maintain their engagement.

Create a Variety of Climbing Routes

One of the key benefits of having extra kids climbing holds is the ability to create a variety of climbing routes. Different holds can be combined in unique ways to offer various challenges and movements. Consider the level of complexity and diversity you want to achieve in your climbing routes. Having a sufficient number of holds allows for greater creativity and flexibility in route-setting, ensuring that your child remains engaged and motivated during their climbing sessions.

Accommodate Multiple Climbers

If you have multiple children or frequently host climbing playdates, it's important to ensure that each child has ample holds to climb. Extra kids climbing holds become especially valuable in these situations, as they allow for the creation of multiple routes to accommodate simultaneous climbing. Each child can have their own set of holds and challenges, fostering healthy competition, teamwork, and social interaction

We do not recommend having more than 1 child (or adult) on an 8ftx4ft wall at one time. If you would like to have your children climb together, we recommend purchasing two 8ftx4ft walls to create an 8x8ft space.

Plan for Growth and Progression

Children grow and develop their climbing abilities over time. It's essential to plan for their progression and provide them with the opportunity to advance their skills. Keeping extra kids climbing holds on hand enables you to introduce new challenges and gradually increase the difficulty level as your child's climbing abilities improve. This ensures that they continue to be challenged and motivated throughout their climbing journey.

Expert Guidance and Support

Determining the ideal number of extra kids climbing holds can be a complex task. Our team at Lil Boulder is here to provide expert guidance and support. We can assess your specific climbing wall setup, consider the age and skill level of the climbers, and help you determine the optimal quantity of holds to meet your needs. We're committed to helping you create a stimulating and safe climbing environment for your child.

Unlock the Potential with Extra Kids Climbing Holds from Lil Boulder

With our high-quality holds and expert guidance, you can create a dynamic and engaging climbing environment that promotes skill development, confidence, and endless fun. Choose Lil Boulder for extra kids climbing holds that inspire, challenge, and accommodate the unique needs of your young climbers. Let's embark on a journey of growth and excitement together!

Plastic kids climbing holds vs. your kids climbing holds?

At Lil Boulder, we understand the importance of choosing the right holds for your child's climbing adventures. Let us explore the differences between plastic kids climbing holds and our premium option, helping you make an informed decision that ensures a safe and enjoyable climbing experience for your child.

Material and Durability

Plastic Kids Climbing Holds: Plastic holds are a common choice due to their affordability and availability. They are typically made from injection-molded plastic, which can be prone to wear and tear over time. The durability of plastic holds may vary depending on the quality of the plastic used, but they generally have a shorter lifespan compared to other materials.

Our Kids Climbing Holds: At Lil Boulder, we prioritize quality and durability. Our holds are crafted from premium materials, such as high-quality resin. This ensures that they can withstand the rigors of climbing and provide long-lasting performance. Our holds are designed to endure frequent use and retain their shape, texture, and functionality, even after extended periods of climbing.

Texture and Grip

Plastic Kids Climbing Holds: Plastic holds often have a smooth texture, which can make gripping more challenging, especially for young climbers. The lack of texture can reduce friction and make it harder to maintain a secure grip, potentially leading to slips or falls.

Our Kids Climbing Holds: We understand the importance of providing a safe and secure grip for young climbers. Our holds are carefully designed with textured surfaces that mimic the look and feel of real rocks. This texture enhances grip and promotes confidence while climbing. 

Design and Ergonomics

Plastic Kids Climbing Holds: Plastic holds often have a limited range of shapes and designs. While they may provide basic functionality, they may lack the ergonomic considerations necessary for a comfortable and efficient climbing experience.

Our Kids Climbing Holds: At Lil Boulder, we prioritize both functionality and aesthetics. Our holds come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and designs, allowing for endless creativity in route-setting and customization. We pay careful attention to the ergonomics of our holds, ensuring that they are comfortable to grip and promote proper hand positioning. The thoughtful design of our holds enhances the overall climbing experience, making it more enjoyable for your child.

Safety and Quality Control

Plastic Kids Climbing Holds: The quality control of plastic holds can vary depending on the manufacturer. Some inexpensive plastic holds may not undergo rigorous testing for safety standards, potentially compromising their reliability and safety.

Our Kids Climbing Holds: Safety is our utmost priority. Our holds undergo thorough testing to meet industry safety standards. We prioritize the quality control of our holds, ensuring that they are free from defects and built to withstand the demands of climbing. When you choose our kids climbing holds, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are providing a safe and reliable climbing experience for your child.

Expert Guidance and Support

Choosing the right kids climbing holds can be overwhelming, but we're here to help. Our knowledgeable team at Lil Boulder is available to provide expert guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs and goals. We can assist you in selecting the best holds for your child's age, skill level, and climbing wall setup. Our goal is to ensure that you have a seamless and enjoyable experience while creating the perfect climbing environment for your child.

Why should I choose Lil Boulder for my kids climbing holds?

Welcome to Lil Boulder, your ultimate destination for kids climbing holds! If you're looking to create an exciting and engaging climbing experience for your children, you've come to the right place. Our wide selection of kids climbing holds is specifically designed with children in mind, offering a variety of options to ignite their imagination and enhance their climbing adventures.

25 Rock Climbing Holds Designed for Kids

At Lil Boulder, we understand that children have unique needs and abilities when it comes to climbing. That's why we offer 25 rock climbing holds specifically designed for kids. These holds are carefully crafted to provide a safe and enjoyable climbing experience for young climbers of all skill levels. From beginners to more advanced climbers, our selection of holds ensures that there's something for everyone.

Quality and Sustainability

We take pride in the quality and
sustainability of our kids climbing holds. All our holds are made in North America, ensuring top-notch craftsmanship and attention to detail. We use bolt-on holds that are compatible with 3/8"-16 t-nuts, making them easy to install and secure on your climbing wall. Our holds are made of 70% recycled material, contributing to a more sustainable future while providing a durable and reliable climbing experience for your child.

Natural Look and Feel

We believe that the best climbing holds should mimic the look and feel of natural rocks. Our kids climbing holds are designed to resemble the textures and shapes found in nature, creating a more authentic and engaging climbing experience. These holds not only provide a realistic feel but also help children develop their climbing techniques and adapt to different surfaces.

Versatile and Customizable

Our kids climbing holds offer versatility and customization options to suit your child's climbing preferences. You can mix and match the holds to create various climbing routes and challenges. This allows your child to explore different climbing techniques, improve their skills, and have endless fun. With an additional 25 rock climbing holds available, you can expand the possibilities and add even more variety to your climbing wall.

Promoting Physical and Mental Development

Climbing holds are not just for fun; they also offer numerous developmental benefits for children. Climbing helps improve strength, balance, coordination, and overall fitness. It engages different muscle groups and promotes the development of motor skills. Additionally, climbing enhances problem-solving abilities, spatial awareness, and decision-making skills. By providing your child with a range of climbing holds, you're fostering their physical and mental growth in a fun and interactive way.

Expert Guidance and Support

Choosing the right kids climbing holds can be overwhelming, but we're here to help. Our knowledgeable and friendly customer support team is available to assist you in selecting the best holds for your specific needs and goals. We can provide recommendations based on your child's age, skill level, and climbing wall setup. Our goal is to ensure that you have a seamless and enjoyable experience while creating the perfect climbing environment for your child.

Unlock the Adventure with Lil Boulde 

Are you ready to transform your climbing wall into a thrilling and imaginative playground for your child? Explore our collection of 25 rock climbing holds specifically designed for kids, and take their climbing experience to new heights. With our high-quality and sustainable holds, you can create a safe and stimulating climbing environment that encourages exploration, builds confidence, and promotes physical fitness.

Choose Lil Boulder for your kids climbing holds and embark on a journey of adventure, growth, and endless fun!